
Thursday, 19 September 2019

Making comparisons

Kia ora

We have been learning how to write really good narratives. You need to know the difference between a good and a bad character. We had to make notes about some good girl characters in stories. 

The hard part was: Writing words to describe the characters.
The easy part was: Making the slideshow.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

My Papa

Kia ora

Here is a story I wrote about all the fun times I have with my papa. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, 2 August 2019

poetry lesson 2. 2019 What is rhyme?

Today we have been learning what rhyme is and how words rhyme. We read some poems and highlighted where the rhyming words were. Then, we had to choose one of the poems at paste it onto our own DOC and add pictures to suit it. Here is mine:

The things I thought that were hard were: Highlighting because I was tapping on other things.

The things I thought that were easy were: Putting it on my blog and writing on my blog.

Monday, 20 May 2019

PMI Structure of the Earth

Here is my Structure of the Earth and my PMI task to I hope you like it. The thing I liked about it was doing the tasks. I liked all of it but I took a little to long. But it was still fun to do this whole task.The learning behind the task was understanding the different layers of the Earth.

Friday, 10 May 2019

is Earth like a hard boiled egg.?

We are learning about what the Earth is like on the outside and the inside. We used hard-boiled eggs as mini-models for the earth. We got to design our own continents and islands on the outside of the egg shell. At the end of the experiment we got to eat the egg! The egg tasted yuck!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Structure of the Earth

Structure of the Earth Facts
We are learning about the structure of the Earth.
I learnt that the Earth is made up of 4 layers. They are the Mantle,Crust, Outer Core and Inner Core.

Facts about each layer:
Crust - It is soil and brittle it is also the thinnest layer of Earth. It is the first layer of Earth.
Mantle - Mantel is made out of melted rock and is the thickest. Itt is soft and squishy, it is the hottest and the second layer in the Earth.
Outer Core - the outer core is made out of liquid and is the third layer of Earth.
Inner Core - the inner core is made out of Iron and Nickel and it is the last layer of the Earth. It is solid because the other layers create so much pressure pushing down on it.
Our group -  Arbey, Rainbow, Rory
First we created our Earth with clay. We then cut the shape in half to show the different layers. After waiting for a day to dry, we identified each layer by painting them in different colours.
Below are some pictures of art work.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Mixed Ability Maths

Kia Ora,   

This term, everyone was in a mixed-ability group and we were doing maths questions and we worked the questions out as a team. We accomplished lots of work and we did everything as a team. 
How I feel about mixed ability maths? I love mixed ability maths because its challenging for  me and its fun.
What have I enjoyed about mixed ability maths is? Learning new things in maths.
What have I found difficult? doing hard questions that we cannot answer.

To help me with maths next term I need to come to school every day, this will help my learning and understanding. 

Friday, 29 March 2019

Earthworms digging deeper.

This week we have been learning about worms and we have been observing the worms and when we put them back they left slime on our hands and the thing I didn't like was touching the worms and the thing I did like was looking for the worms.

Thursday, 28 March 2019


After collecting and observing earthworms we wrote simple and complex sentences about what we found out about worms.

Thursday, 21 March 2019


Kia ora,       

Today and yesterday, we did reports on animals. We were allowed to choose an animal of our choice. I chose a parrot. We had to find out how our animal uses MRS GREN. MRS GREN stands for: Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition. My favourite thing about this was finding out information about a new animal. The hardest thing was finding information about respiration and sensitivity. The learning behind this task was to find how animals use MRS GREN.
Here is my report on a parrot: