
Friday 30 November 2018

Acrostic and Haiku poems

This week we have been writing poems. Here is my acrostic poem about Christmas. 

Here are my Haiku poems I wrote.

Friday 23 November 2018

Vaseline Saucers

A few weeks ago we made some Vaseline saucers and here's a photo of me with my Vaseline saucer. We had to do it symmetrical like a mirror.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Merry Christmas

 We did a sketch of a Christmas tree. We made a google doc and wrote a poem and then the teacher printed our poem. We cut our Christmas tree out and glued it on our poem. I hope you like my poem.

Thursday 8 November 2018

Art term 4

This term we have completed two pieces of art.

One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.
This term we have completed two pieces of art.

One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.

One thing I did well was my background.

Some things I could improve on is my bulidings. I need to make my lines straighter.

Friday 2 November 2018


this week we have been doing our handwritting sample